Wilmer Ramirez 1 Testimonial

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About me:
Soy tecnologo en gestión de recursos naturales y tecnologo en Guianza turistica, hago parte de la asociación de observadores de aves del Guaviare y cofundador de la agencia de viajes operadora Happy life tours, inicié la observación de aves en 2009 y desde ese entonces lo he realizado como hobby, soy aficionado a la investigación y la fotografía de aves

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Written by Mathias Ritschard     

Wilmer is an expert birder, without doubt one of the best that I have met in Colombia. He has an extensive knowledge not only about the birds and birding locations of Guaviare, but also about the natural history and ecology of the region. Together with his wife Diana, who takes care of all the logistics, he will make your trip to the amazing Guaviare department unforgettable and your bird list will grow massively. Highly recommended!

Wilmer Ramirez - Orniverse