Sang Mony 0 Testimonials
About me:
I am a lead guide & Interim CEO for Sam Veasna Conservation Tours Co., Ltd (SVC), from 2006 until today. SVC is running cultural and bird-watching tours across Cambodia from a half-day up to 3 weeks and a half. Our main mission is to support the livelihoods of local communities in the protected areas and support conservation projects with WCS, and the Ibis Rice project. We base in Siem Reap, Angkor, Cambodia, and our tours can start from Siem Reap or Phnom Penh capital city. Sam Veasna Center for Wildlife Conservation was established in 2003 in memory of pioneering Cambodian Conservationist Sam Veasna, we were registered as a local NGO with the Ministry of Interior in 2006. We provide an alternative sustainable livelihood from ecotourism for the local communities at the sites that WCS prioritizes for conservation. In return for the income and employment received, they are asked to sign no-hunting and land-use agreements monitored by the Ministry of Environment and the forestry patrol teams advised by WCS. As of 2019, Sam Veasnas legacy lives on under the new name- Sam Veasna Conservation Tours. SVC’s original mission was broad: to promote wildlife conservation awareness and education in Northern Cambodia. As SVC has grown, it has become involved in education and capacity building, working in remote protected areas. Today the main objective of SVC is to provide local communities with a sustainable livelihood from international tourists who visit these sites for birding and wildlife watching. This award-winning approach was pioneered in Northern Cambodia at Tmatboey and has since been expanded to eight communities across Northern and Eastern Cambodia. Sam Veasna was a pioneering Cambodian naturalist who tragically died of malaria in 1999 aged 33 while surveying the Northern Plains of Cambodia for the now-extinct Kouprey. During his short life, he was responsible for discovering and cataloging many of the most important sites for conservation in Northern Cambodia, including the discovery of large numbers of Sarus Cranes at Ang Trapaeng Thmor.
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