Ladong Nan 0 Testimonials

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About me:
Have been working for a bird guide for more than 10 years, I’m a bird guide on the Sam Veasna Conservation Tour (SVC) since 2013. I have learned a lot about nature and know how important wildlife and conservation are in Cambodia. Also, I am very happy to bring bird watchers to see wildlife in Cambodia by linking it with conservation and no hunting. Because our main mission is to support the livelihoods of local communities and protected areas in Cambodia. In 2015 and 2016 I have been to training for skill bird watching with the SVC guide team in Malaysia and Thailand to learn about bird knowledge and some site information and I have been to join the Asian Bird Fair in Thailand and Korea. In my experiences more than 10 years ago, working with Sam Veasna Conservation Tour, I have led many clients to do bird watching in Cambodia the tour starts from a half-day up to 3 weeks and our tour is based in Siem Reap city or Phnom Penh city. If you want to know more about bird watching in Cambodia, I’m very happy to share more information with you about the birding hot spot in my country. For more information about birding in Cambodia WhatsApp: +855119445444 Thanks

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I am happy to guide you at the following sites:


Ladong Nan - Orniverse