Jesus Andres Ramos 0 Testimonials

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Traveling with AgroTour Perijá is building dreams in our local Communities. Community Rural Tourism Ven visita el paraíso de Perijá Parakeet. La propia Serranía de Perijá es uno de los mejores lugares para la observación de aves en el mundo y ha sido descrita como “el Santo Grial para cualquier observador de aves interesado en las aves de Colombia” por la Sociedad Audubon. La región alberga una gran variedad de especies de aves y la lista de aves continúa creciendo cada año a medida que se explora la región. Dos nuevas especies se agregaron a la lista en 2019 como parte del conteo de aves del Gran Día Mundial 2019, el Periquito Pintado (Pyrrhura picta) o Cotorrita Pintada del Perijá y el Tangara urraca (Cissopis leveriaunus) o Toche blanco y negro. Según la Asociación. 1 crested Bobwhite 2 Rock Pigeon 3 Ruddy Ground Dove 4 White - collared Swift 5 Sooty- capped Hermit 6 Red- billed Ermirald 7 White-vented Plumeleteer 8 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 9 Black Vulture 10 Turkey Vulture 11 Plumbeous kite 12 Whooping Motmot 13 Red-crowned woodpecker 14 Red-rumped woodpecker 15 Yellow-headed Caracara 16 Bat Falcon 17 White-fringed Antwren 18 Pale-legged Hornero 19 Cinnamon Becard 20 Pale-eyed Pygmy- Tyrant 21 Ochre-lored Flycatcher 22 Golden-faced Tyrannulet 23 Eastern Wood-Pewee 24 Brown-crested Flycatcher 25 Black-chested Jay 26 Tropical Gnatcatcher 27 House Wren 28 Stripe-backed Wren 29 Rufus-and-white Wren 30 Thick-billed Euphonia 31 Crested Oropendola 32 Yellow Oriole 33 Giant Cowbird 34 Tropical Parula 35 Bay-breasted Warbler 36 Blackburnian Warbler 37 Yellow Warbler 38 Chestnut-capped Warbler 39 Golden-crowned Warbler 40 Hepatic Tanager 41 Summer Tanager 42 Blue-gray Tanager 43 Bananaquit 44 Streaked Saltator 45 White-tipped Dove 46 Smooth-billed Ani 47 Squirrel Cuckoo 48 Black-throated Mango 49 Steely-vendedor Hummingbird 50 Gray-lined Hawk 51 Keel-billed Toucan 52 Laughing Falcon 53 American Kestrel 54 White-bellied Antbird 55 Cocoa Woodcreeper 56 Masked Tityra 57 Ochere-bellied Flycatcher 58 Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet 59 Spectacled Tyrannulet 60 Great Crested Flycatcher 61 Boat-billed Flycatcher 62 Streaked Flycatcher 63 Yellow-throated vireo 64 Scaly-breasted Wren 65 Bicolored Wren 66 Pale-breasted Thrush 67 Black-striped Sparrow 68 Golden-winged Sparrow 69 Yellow-backe Oriole 70 Carib Grackle 71 Black-and-white Warbler 72 Tennessee Warbler 73 American Redstart 74 Golden Grosbeak 75 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 76 Palm Tanager 77 Black-headed Tanager 78 Yellow-bellied Seedeater 79 Buff-throated Saltator 80 Eared Dove 81 Shinig-green Hummingbird 82 Roadside Hawk 83 Moustached Puffbird 84 Rufous-tailed Jacamara 85 Scaled Piculet 86 Orange-chinned Parakeet 87 Painted Parakeet 88 Scarlet-fronted Parakeet 89 Klages's Antbird 90 Black-crowned Tityra 91 Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet 92 Yellow-bellied Elaenia 93 Lasser Elaenia 94 Dusky-capped Flycatcher 95 Tropical Kingbird 96 Green Jay 97 Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush 98 Swainson's Thrush 99 Rosy Thrus-Tanager 100 Perija Brushfinch 101 Mourinig Warbler 102 Blackpoll Warbler 103 White-lined Tanager 104 Crimson-Backed Tanager 105 Lineated Woodpecker 106 Blue-headed Parrot 107 Brown-throated Parakeet 108 Straight-billed Woodcreeper 109 Streak-headed Woodcreeper 110 Sooty-headed Tyrannulet 111 Southern Rough-winged Swallow 112 Whiskered Wren 113 Tropical Mockingbird 114 Orange-crowned Oriole 115 Gray Tinamou 116 Scaled Dove 117 Southern Lapwing 118 Pearl Kite 119 Savanna Hawk 120 Russet-throated Puffbird 121 Crested Caracara 122 Black-crowned Antshrike 123 Cattle Tyrant 124 Rusty-margined Flycatcher 125 Rufous-browed Peppershrike 126 Olive-gray Saltator 127 Little Tinamou 128 Rufous-vented Chachalaca 129 Slate-throated Redstart 130 Common Pauraque 131 Tropical Screech-Owl 132 Mottled Owl 133 Black-and-white Owl 134 Common Potoo 135 Blue-black Grassquit 136 Rufous Nightjar 137 Pale-bellied Hermit 138 Golden-headed Manakin 139 Rufous-breasted Wren 140 Glaucous Tanager 141 Striped Cuckoo 142 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl 143 Crimson-crested Woodpecker 144 Yellow-olive Flycatcher 145 Venezuelan Flycatcher 146 Red-eyed Vireo 147 Clay-colored Thrush 148 Lasser Goldefinch 149 Scarlet Tanager 150 Gray-headea Tanager 151 Swallow Tanager 152 Common Black Hawk 153 Hook-billed Kite 154 Military Macaw 155 Scrub Greenlet 156 Chivi Vireo 157 Shiny Cowbird 158 Northern Waterthrush 159 Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle 160 Short-tailet Hawk 161 Acadian Flycatcher 162 Social Flycatcher 163 Baltimore Oriole 164 King Vulture 165 Crowned Woodnymph 166 Zone-tailed Hawk 167 Black-frontera Wood-Quail 168 Long-billed Hermit 169 Collared Forest-Falcon 170 Lasser Swallow-tailed Swift 171 Ruby-topaz Hummingbird 172 Foothill Screech Owl 173 Barred Antshrike 174 Cinereous Becard 175 Olive-striped Flycatcher 176 Buff-breasted Wren 177 Long-billed Gnatwren 178 Andean Guan 179 Band-tailed Pigeon 180 Sparkling Violetear 181 Lasser Violetear 182 Coppery Emerald 183 Southern Emerald-Toucanet 184 Crimson-mantled Woodpecker 185 Scaly-naped Parrot 186 Chestnut-crowned Antpitta 187 Rufous Spinetail 188 Golden-breasted Fruiteater 189 Rufous-crowned Today-Flycatcher 190 Mountain Elaenia 191 Great Kiskadee 192 Gray-breasted Wood-Wreen 193 Great Thrush 194 Glossy-black Thrush 195 Common Chlorospingus 196 Rufous-collared Sparrow 197 Slaty Brushfinch 198 Black-crested Warbler 199 Blue-capped Tanager 200 Lacrimose Mountain Tanager 201 Beryl-spangled Tanager 202 Black Flowerpiercer 203 Bluish Flowerpiercer 204 Black-and-white Seedeater

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Jesus Andres Ramos - Orniverse