Iran - Northwest
02 May 2018 – 21 May 2018
We prospect mainly the Elburz Mountain range between Semnan and Tabriz to study the hybridization zone between Pied Wheatear and Eastern Black-eared Wheatears. Most of the visited sites correspond to the different samples places. The year before we covered the area between Mashhad and Baladeh (North of Tehran).
May was a nice month to travel there. The temperatures were nice (not so hot than in June) and, in addition to the local species, we observed many migrant species.
On site, it is not possible to withdraw money. So you have to take with you Euros or USD.
It is virtually impossible to explore well the country without some local persons. For a good guide to Iran I can recommended Ali, he is friendly, he knows most of the birding places and the most common species.
Visited Sites
- Firuzkuh–Semnan road 03 May 2018 – 05 May 2018, 10 May 2018
- Absard–Eyvanekey road 05 May 2018 – 09 May 2018
- Eyvanekey 06 May 2018 – 09 May 2018
- Lasem–Firuzkuh road 10 May 2018 – 11 May 2018
- Farahabad 10 May 2018
- Solehbon 10 May 2018
- Shemshak 11 May 2018
- Ziyaran 12 May 2018 – 13 May 2018
- Lowshan–Barehsar road 13 May 2018 – 14 May 2018
- Hashjin–Barandagh road 14 May 2018 – 16 May 2018
- Sarein–Ardabil road 16 May 2018
- Germi area 17 May 2018 – 18 May 2018
- Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road 17 May 2018
- Ahar–Tabriz road 18 May 2018 – 19 May 2018
- Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area 19 May 2018 – 21 May 2018
General Travelling Information
This scientific trip was all organized by Reto Burri in collaboration with the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The weather was mainly sun and the temperatures pleasant. Only in Shemshak, the weather was cloudy, wet and rather cold.
Recommended Literature
Birds of the Middle East, Helm Field Guides, R. Porter & S. Aspinall
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
The whole area between Firuzkuh and Semnan worth the trip. Whith more than 50 birds species encountered, it is one of the best visited place during our trip. The green surroundings of the river hosts many species included several migrant birds.
Some of the good areas for the migrant passerines are around Seranza. A small valley located west of Seranza (35°44'20.3"N 52°50'42.8"E) host some nice species such as White-throated Robin, Menetries's Warbler (migrant), Plain Leaf-warbler and Grey-necked Bunting.
The north of Aftar (35°37'50.5"N 53°06'42.2"E) are good for steppic species like Desert Lark. A Hume's Wheatear was also observed there and some possible Pale Crag Martin.
The bushy area near the pass 15km north of Aftar (35°42'28.1"N 53°01'34.1"E) offers some nice view of Isabelline Shrike and Eastern Orphean Warbler.
Target species
Plain Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus neglectus
White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis
Gray-necked Bunting Emberiza buchanani
Absard–Eyvanekey road
The north of Eyvanekey seems good for raptors. We observed Egyptian Vulture and Saker Falcon.
One of the most interesting areas was a small dry valley (35°24'41.7"N 52°05'29.6"E) where we observed See-see Partridge,Pale Crag Martin, Desert Lark, Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin, and Streaked Scrub-warbler. The place is also really good for wheathers: we saw some Hume's Wheatears and, Ali and Morteza, photographed a Mourning Wheather.
A small dam just before Ahmad?b?d (35°25'43.2"N 52°08'44.5"E) looks pretty good. We observed a few waders, some migrant passerines andTrumpeter Finch.
In the upper part of the Valley, around Zeyarat is interesting for wheaters: many Red-tailed and Pied/Eastern Black-eared/hybrid Wheatears.
Target species
See-see Partridge Ammoperdix griseogularis
Northeast of Eyvanekey
Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus
Saker Falcon Falco cherrug
Desert Lark Ammomanes deserti
Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne fuligula
Hume's Wheatear Oenanthe albonigra
The southern part of Eyvanekey worth the detour.
We explored a bit the agricultural area in the south of the town. The fields are interspersed by bushes and we observed many shrikes (Lesser Grey, Red-backed and Isabelline), Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, Greater Short-toed Lark, many Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin: very common here, as the Black-headed Buntings.
The lake located just south of Eyvanekey was very good for the water birds. Some interesting sightings inclued Northern Pintail, Collared Pratincole,Terek Sandpiper and a group of 70 Red-necked Phalaropes!
Target species
Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas galactotes
The area around Farahabad and the valley coming from Amin Abad seem good for many warblers. We encountered, for example, Upcher's, Eastern Olivaceous and Great Reed Warblers.
Target species
Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida
The lake located near Solehbon look good for bird species linked with water. We observed one male of Citrine Wagtail in a wet meadow and some Red-necked Phalaropes, Slender-billed Gulls and White-winged Terns on the lake.
Near Solehbon we saw two Bearded Vultures.
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
The avifauna here was almost the same as the areas between Firuzkuh and Semnan with some rocky slopes hosting, for example, Grey-necked Bunting and Rock Sparrow, but the average diversity was a bit lower.
We just did a small walk during the afternoon in the village of Shemshak. One of the most interesting observation there was an Olivaceous Warbler apparently in a stoppover at 2'650 m.a.s.l. (pretty high elevation for this species)!
The place was pretty cold and the weather cloudy.
We mainly visited two areas, one in a small valley east of Ziyaran (36°06'30.3"N 50°34'25.9"E) and this other southwest of Ziyaran (36°05'23.3"N 50°29'27.5"E). The first place holds See-see Partridge and Trumpeter Finch and we observed several Pale Sparrows at the second place.
Target species
Pale Rockfinch Carpospiza brachydactyla
Lowshan–Barehsar road
We observed a few raptors along this road like Eurasian Griffon and Short-toed Snake Eagle. We encountered several times some Streaked Scrub-warblers, as well as Trumpeter Finches.
From this region and further west the Woodchat Shrike start to be relatively common.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
This region is really remarkable and one of the most productive in term of species that we visited with more than 50 birds species encountered. The region is good for shrikes, wheaters and warblers. The open grasslands with a lot of bushy areas attracted many species and appear to be really good for migrant species such as Blue-cheecked Bee-eater, Sedge Warbler, Barred Warbler and Rosy Starling.
Some good spots:
The bushes around this spot (37°20'34.3"N 48°22'52.3"E) seem to hold many birds (included some migrants like Sedge and Barred Warblers) and the little water point attract for example Desert Finches.
The small valley located southeast of Damdool was very interesting, particularly around some ruins and agricultural fiels (37°19'18.9"N 48°24'52.2"E). In the bushes we observed some White-throated Robin, Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, Sedge Warbler, Upcher's Warbler and Eastern Orphean Warbler. We also saw some flocks of Blue-cheecked Bee-eaters and Rosy Starlings. But the highlight of the spot was the presence of two Caspian.
The area with scattered trees in the east of Damdool (37°20'01.0"N 48°26'06.8"E) was attractive for many species. We observed many White-throated Robin, Upcher's Warbler and Eastern Orphean Warbler as well as Streaked Scrub-warbler.
Target species
Caspian Tit Poecile hyrcanus
Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida
Scrub Warbler Scotocerca inquieta
White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis
Sarein–Ardabil road
The most interesting species were observed in the west of Ardabil where the landscapes are green. We saw Little Bittern, Ruddy Shelduck, Great Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Common Rosefinch.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
The area was not so interesting but Isabelline and Northern Wheatears where common there.
Germi area
The grassland areas in the south of Germi were good for Calandra Lark and Eurasian Skylark. Some Desert Finches occure in the rocky slopes and we hearded Green Warbler and Common Chaffinch in the wooded area along rivers.
Ahar–Tabriz road
Some interesting species observed along this road included Eurasian Crimson-winged Finch, just southwest of Ahar.
The fields zones around Goouydaraq (38°20'13.2"N 46°51'45.5"E) host many Bimaculated Larks.
Target species
Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
The whole region seems good for Bimaculated Lark, Finsch's Wheatear, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear and Desert Finch.
We observed several water birds included Armenian Gull on the lake near Nahand.
Species List
Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea details sounds
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 3 ind. 2+1 -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Northern Pintail Anas acuta details sounds
2018-05-07 1 ind. On the lake south of the town
See-see Partridge Ammoperdix griseogularis details sounds
2018-05-12 1 ind.
Common Quail Coturnix coturnix details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. (heard only)
Chukar Alectoris chukar details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Relatively common
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Relatively common
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Relatively common
Germi area
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-18 1 ind. -
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus details sounds
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 2 ind. Nahand Dam
Rock Pigeon Columba livia
Common Wood-Pigeon Columba palumbus details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. 2018-05-09 ≥ 3 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 ≈ 12 ind. -
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
2018-05-17 1 ind.
Eurasian Collared-Dove Streptopelia decaocto details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-05 1 ind.
Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis details sounds
2018-05-07 1 ind. -
A few encountered.
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind. -
2018-05-14 ≈ 10 ind. Common in the region
Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Sarein–Ardabil road
Germi area
Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Common Swift Apus apus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus details sounds
2018-05-07 3 ind. around the lake south of the city -
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind.
Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola details sounds
2018-05-10 ≥ 2 ind.
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius details sounds
2018-05-07 ≥ 2 ind. Around the lake south of the town -
2018-05-10 ≈ 5 ind. -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 2 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 2 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 1 ind. 2018-05-20 ≥ 4 ind.
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus details sounds
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 2 ind.
Kentish Plover Anarhynchus alexandrinus details sounds
2018-05-07 3 ind. Around the lake south of the town
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus details sounds
2018-05-07 1 ind. On the shore of the lake south of the town
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus details sounds
2018-05-07 ≈ 70 ind. On the lake south of the town -
2018-05-10 ≈ 10 ind.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus details sounds
2018-05-07 2 ind. On the shore of the lake south of the town
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-08 2 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 1 ind. 2018-05-20 1 ind.
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind.
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind. 2018-05-05 1 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-08 1 ind. 2018-05-08 3 ind. 2018-05-09 2 ind. -
2018-05-07 ≈ 20 ind. Around the lake south of the town -
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
2018-05-10 ≈ 10 ind.
Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus details sounds
2018-05-07 1 ind. On the shore of the lake south of the town
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea details sounds
2018-05-07 3 ind. Around the lake south of the town
Little Stint Calidris minuta details sounds
2018-05-07 ≈ 50 ind. Around the lake south of the town
Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola details sounds
Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei details sounds
2018-05-10 ≈ 30 ind.
Armenian Gull Larus armenicus details sounds
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 2 ind.
Little Tern Sternula albifrons details sounds
2018-05-10 1 ind.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida details sounds
Common at this site.
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus details sounds
2018-05-10 5 ind.
Common Tern Sterna hirundo details sounds
2018-05-10 ≥ 2 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 ≥ 3 ind. On the Nahand Dam
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus details sounds
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 1 ind.
Gray Heron Ardea cinerea details sounds
2018-05-07 8 ind. Around the lake south of the town -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 2 ind. Nahand Dam
Osprey Pandion haliaetus details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
Common just north of Eyvanekey
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus details sounds
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
2018-05-10 2 ind.
Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-07 2 ind. 2018-05-08 1 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind.
European Honey-buzzard Pernis apivorus details sounds
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-11 2 ind. In migration -
2018-05-18 ≥ 4 ind. South of Molan
Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus details sounds
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-13 4 ind.
Short-toed Snake-Eagle Circaetus gallicus details sounds
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-13 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind.
Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus details sounds
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-14 1 ind.
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 1 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 2 ind. -
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-10 1 ind. 2018-05-11 2 ind. -
2018-05-12 1 ind. 2018-05-13 1 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Germi area
1 NW of Qazvin
Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus details sounds
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind.
Levant Sparrowhawk Accipiter brevipes details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus details sounds
2018-05-10 1 ind.
Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Germi area
Ahar–Tabriz road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Little Owl Athene noctua details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
Germi area
A few encountered.
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Germi area
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 ≈ 100 ind. in migration 2018-05-04 ≥ 1 ind. (heard only) 2018-05-05 ≥ 1 ind. (heard only) -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 ≥ 1 ind. (heard only) 2018-05-09 ≥ 10 ind. (heard only) -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 ≥ 8 ind. 2 groups observed in migration -
Germi area
2018-05-17 ≥ 10 ind. (heard only) -
2018-05-03 ≈ 200 ind. Ca. 300 birds in migration during this day aroud Firukuh
European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
European Roller Coracias garrulus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Germi area
Ahar–Tabriz road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
A few encountered.
Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Encountered only once.
A few encountered.
Encountered only once.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
A few encountered.
2018-05-19 1 ind. In Tabriz
Eurasian Green Woodpecker Picus viridis details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-07 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind.
Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-02 ≈ 15 ind.
Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-09 1 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-13 1 ind. 2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind.
Saker Falcon Falco cherrug details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 2 ind. 2018-05-09 2 ind. -
2018-05-06 2 ind. 1 in the town and 1 in the agricultural areas -
2018-05-10 3 ind. -
2018-05-12 3 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 3 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 2 ind. -
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
2018-05-17 1 ind. -
A few encountered.
Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
A few encountered.
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Pretty common
Sarein–Ardabil road
A few encountered.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
A few encountered.
Ahar–Tabriz road
Pretty common
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Encountered only once.
Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind. phoenicuroides 2018-05-04 1 ind. phoenicuroides 2018-05-05 3 ind. 1900-01-02 00:00:00 -
2018-05-07 1 ind. isabellinus, in the agricultural area -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. Hybrid Red-backed x Isabelline Shrike -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 1 ind. isabellinus
Lesser Gray Shrike Lanius minor details sounds
A few encountered.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Common at this site.
Germi area
A few encountered.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Encountered only once.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
A few encountered.
Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus details sounds
2018-05-14 1 ind. Between Manjil and Hachjin, south of Barandagh); outside its normal range
Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator details sounds
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 6 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 1 ind. 2018-05-18 2 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind. -
2018-05-14 2 ind.
Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius details sounds
2018-05-18 2 ind. South of Molan
Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
A few encountered.
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Lowshan–Barehsar road
A few encountered.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Rook Corvus frugilegus details sounds
A few encountered.
Sarein–Ardabil road
Common at this site.
Ahar–Tabriz road
A few encountered.
Common Raven Corvus corax details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. 2018-05-07 4 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 2 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 1 ind.
Coal Tit Periparus ater details sounds
2018-05-18 ≈ 5 ind. South of Molan
Caspian Tit Poecile hyrcanus details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind.
Great Tit Parus major details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
A few in the valley, included 1 Cinereous Tit (Parus cinereus)! Outside knowed range...
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
intermediate between major and cinereus
Common at this site.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Desert Lark Ammomanes deserti details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 ≥ 6 ind. 2018-05-05 3 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Relatively common in the northeast of the Eyvanekey
Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 3 ind. -
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-11 2 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 4 ind.
Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla details sounds
Common south of the town in the agricultural areas
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind.
Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata details sounds
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 ≈ 10 ind. Around Goouydaraq 2018-05-19 ≈ 20 ind. Rather common along the road to Jiga No -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind.
Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra details sounds
Germi area
relatively common in the region
Wood Lark Lullula arborea details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 3 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 2 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind. -
2018-05-16 ≥ 1 ind.
Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis details sounds
Germi area
Relatively common in the southwest of Germi
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Iduna pallida details sounds
Farahabad (heard only)
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
2018-05-11 1 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida details sounds
2018-05-10 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 4 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-18 1 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind.
Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. (heard only) In stopper in a cereal field!?! 2018-05-15 2 ind. In stopover in bushes -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 1 ind.
Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. In a small bush in a garden
Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind. (heard only) -
2018-05-10 2 ind. -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 3 ind.
Bank Swallow Riparia riparia details sounds
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-11 4 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
A few encountered.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Eurasian Crag-Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind. -
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica details sounds
Over the agricultural areas south of the town
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Western House-Martin Delichon urbicum details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Plain Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus neglectus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 1 ind.
Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
A few encountered.
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Common at this site.
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
A few encountered.
Lowshan–Barehsar road
A few encountered.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
A few encountered.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-05 2 ind. menzbieri -
2018-05-11 1 ind. menzbieri -
2018-05-18 ≥ 2 ind. menzbieri
Green Warbler Phylloscopus nitidus details sounds
Germi area
2018-05-17 1 ind. (heard only)
Scrub Warbler Scotocerca inquieta details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-07 1 ind. 2018-05-08 1 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 ≥ 6 ind. Probable family
Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-10 2 ind. -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 3 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-18 1 ind.
Garden Warbler Sylvia borin details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Barred Warbler Curruca nisoria details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. (heard only)
Lesser Whitethroat Curruca curruca details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind. 2018-05-05 1 ind. ssp -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Encountered only once.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
2018-05-17 1 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 2 ind. -
2018-05-16 ≥ 4 ind. 1 halimodendri?
Eastern Orphean Warbler Curruca crassirostris details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-05 4 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 3 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-14 1 ind. (heard only) 2018-05-15 ≥ 2 ind. -
2018-05-14 1 ind. (heard only)
Menetries's Warbler Curruca mystacea details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 1 ind.
Greater Whitethroat Curruca communis details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 2 ind. 2018-05-04 2 ind. 2018-05-05 1 ind. 2018-05-10 ≥ 4 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 2 ind. -
2018-05-08 3 ind. North of the town -
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
2018-05-13 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 ≥ 3 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-18 1 ind.
Western Rock Nuthatch Sitta neumayer details sounds
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Germi area
A few encountered.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
2018-05-17 1 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
A few encountered.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Common at this site.
Eastern Rock Nuthatch Sitta tephronota details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-16 1 ind.
White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
2018-05-11 1 ind.
Rosy Starling Pastor roseus details sounds
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 ≈ 370 ind. Important migration -
Germi area
2018-05-18 ≈ 20 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 ≈ 10 ind.
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis details sounds
2018-05-06 1 ind.
Eurasian Blackbird Turdus merula details sounds
2018-05-11 2 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind. -
2018-05-10 ≈ 5 ind. Relatively common here 2018-05-18 2 ind. South of Molan
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. 2018-05-08 1 ind. -
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 2 ind. -
2018-05-21 1 ind. In Tabriz
Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas galactotes details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-05 1 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-08 3 ind. -
2018-05-07 12 ind. Common in the bushes of the agricultural areas -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind.
White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 2 ind. 2018-05-04 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. 2018-05-15 3 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind. 2018-05-19 2 ind. -
2018-05-16 2 ind. 2018-05-16 1 ind.
Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-13 1 ind. -
2018-05-18 1 ind. South of Molan
Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 ≈ 6 ind. 2018-05-10 2 ind.
Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
2018-05-11 1 ind.
Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush Monticola saxatilis details sounds
Germi area
2018-05-17 1 ind.
Blue Rock-Thrush Monticola solitarius details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 3 ind. -
2018-05-10 2 ind.
Whinchat Saxicola rubetra details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-09 1 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 3 ind.
Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus details sounds
2018-05-18 2 ind. variegatus; South of Molan
Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-08 1 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Sarein–Ardabil road
Common at this site.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Common at this site.
Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Encountered only once.
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Common at this site.
A few encountered.
Lowshan–Barehsar road
A few encountered.
Hashjin–Barandagh road
A few encountered.
Germi area
Common at this site.
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Common at this site.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Common at this site.
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe melanoleuca details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Sarein–Ardabil road
Germi area
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Ahar–Tabriz road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Hume's Wheatear Oenanthe albonigra details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 1 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-08 1 ind. 2018-05-09 1 ind.
Finsch's Wheatear Oenanthe finschii details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Encountered only once.
Common at this site.
Lowshan–Barehsar road
Common at this site.
Ahar–Tabriz road
Encountered only once.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Common at this site.
A few encountered.
Mourning Wheatear Oenanthe lugens details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-08 1 ind. Observed and photographed by Ali and Morteza
Persian Wheatear Oenanthe chrysopygia details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Common at this site.
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Lowshan–Barehsar road
A few encountered.
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
A few encountered.
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
Absard–Eyvanekey road
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
Germi area
Ahar–Tabriz road
A few encountered.
Pale Rockfinch Carpospiza brachydactyla details sounds
A few observed around Ziyaran
Gray Wagtail Motacilla cinerea details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-10 2 ind. -
Encountered only once.
Western Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava details sounds
2018-05-07 1 ind. -
2018-05-10 ≥ 3 ind. feldegg -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind. 1+1 -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 ≈ 5 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 2 ind.
Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola details sounds
2018-05-10 1 ind. werae
White Wagtail Motacilla alba details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
personata & personata x alba
Absard–Eyvanekey road
alba & personata x alba
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
personata x alba
personata x alba
personata x alba
Sarein–Ardabil road
Germi area
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 ≈ 6 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 2 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 2 ind.
Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 2 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 2 ind.
Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta details sounds
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 1 ind.
Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs details sounds
Germi area
2018-05-17 ≥ 3 ind. -
2018-05-18 1 ind.
Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 4 ind. 2018-05-05 1 ind. -
2018-05-11 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. (heard only) -
Sarein–Ardabil road
2018-05-16 7 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-18 1 ind. (heard only) -
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
2018-05-17 1 ind. (heard only) -
2018-05-14 1 ind. (heard only) In Harzevil
Crimson-winged Finch Rhodopechys sanguineus details sounds
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind.
Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-09 ≥ 3 ind. -
2018-05-12 ≥ 8 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 1 ind.
Desert Finch Rhodospiza obsoleta details sounds
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-11 3 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 3 ind. 2+1 -
2018-05-18 1 ind. Near Gowdeh Kahriz
European Greenfinch Chloris chloris details sounds
2018-05-16 1 ind. In Ardabil
Eurasian Linnet Linaria cannabina details sounds
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-19 3 ind. 1+2 2018-05-20 2 ind.
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-04 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-14 1 ind. 2018-05-15 3 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 3 ind. -
Fire-fronted Serin Serinus pusillus details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
A few encountered.
Absard–Eyvanekey road
A few encountered.
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Encountered only once.
Lowshan–Barehsar road
A few encountered.
A few encountered.
Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala details sounds
In the agricultural areas south of the city
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-11 2 ind. -
2018-05-10 3 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
Common in the region
Germi area
Common in the region
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 1 ind.
Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra details sounds
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-09 1 ind. -
2018-05-10 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 3 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-18 1 ind. -
Arbab Kandi–Dadeh Beyglu road
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
Rock Bunting Emberiza cia details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 2 ind. -
2018-05-11 5 ind. -
Lowshan–Barehsar road
2018-05-14 2 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 ≥ 2 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 3 ind. -
Ahar–Tabriz road
2018-05-19 1 ind. -
A few encountered.
Gray-necked Bunting Emberiza buchanani details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-03 2 ind. 1+1 2018-05-04 ≥ 10 ind. 2018-05-05 ≥ 4 ind. -
Lasem–Firuzkuh road
2018-05-11 3 ind. 2+1
Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana details sounds
Firuzkuh–Semnan road
2018-05-05 1 ind. -
Absard–Eyvanekey road
2018-05-06 1 ind. -
Hashjin–Barandagh road
2018-05-15 1 ind. -
Germi area
2018-05-17 1 ind. -
Yengi Ispiran–Nahand–Khaje area
2018-05-20 ≥ 2 ind.
Last updated: 21 December 2020