Fernando do Noronha
22 October 2018 – 24 October 2018
Fernando do Noronha is not very diverse in birdlife as it's a rather remote island. However, there are two endemic species, the Noronha Vireo and the Noronha Elaenia. Some birders just fly in, bird around the airport to see those two species and take a next flight back. That's a shame because the island is utterly beautiful and hosts also several seabird species.
Visited Sites
General Travelling Information
Compared with the rest of Brazil the island of Fernando do Noronha is an expensive place. It's also recommendable to book accomodations in advance. We booked around two months in advance and had already some troubles to find something. Flights are available from Recife and Natal and should also be booked in advance. On arrival you have to pay an island tax and for visiting the National Park (which is virtually everywhere) you have to buy an entry permit. There is a counter in the small park in Vila dos Remédios where you can do that.
Boat tours (and lots of other stuff) can be arranged with your accomodation. To get around you can either rent a buggy (which is expensive) or take taxis. There is a regular bus service from the harbour to Vila dos Remédios, the airport and Praia do Sueste. During the day buses run every half an hour and are cheap. If you book a boat tour you will be picked up at your accomodation.
Restaurants are plentiful in the village and some are only slightly more expensive than the ones on the mainland.
Compared with the rest of Brazil, Fernando do Noronha is a very safe place to travel and the crime rate is very low.
22 October 2018: First full day
In the morning first exploration around the lodge in Vila dos Remédios with first views of the Elaenia. Later a stroll to Praia da Conceição with lots of Frigatebirds, Noddys and White-tailed Tropicbirds. Also some Vireos in the bushland near the beach.
Later with a taxi (there is also a cheap bus) to Praia do Sueste and walk to Açude do Xaréu, a small artifical lake. Ebird reported two Squacco Herons there and I found one after five minutes. Also several Rock Cavys at the dam. Walk to Praia do Leão with some migrating waders.
23 October 2018: Boat tour
Organized boat tour starting in the morning from the harbour. Those tours can be booked in the accomodations or at one of the many travel offices on the island. They aren't especially for birders, however it's fun to see some seabirds closer and it was the only time I saw the Sooty Terns. Also great for seeing Spinner Dolphins and to do some snorkelling.
In the afternoon a stroll to Praia do Sancho with some good views of the Vireo again.
24 October 2018: Praia do Sueste
With the bus to Praia do Sueste for snorkelling. Some Turnstones were absolutely fearless and walked through the tourists.... Snorkelling with great views of Green Sea Turtles.
Species List
Eared Dove Zenaida auriculata details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Açude do Xaréu
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola details sounds
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Wilson's Plover Anarhynchus wilsonia details sounds
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus details sounds
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres details sounds
White Tern Gygis alba details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Brown Noddy Anous stolidus details sounds
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Black Noddy Anous minutus details sounds
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus details sounds
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Praia do Sueste (Fernando de Noronha)
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Açude do Xaréu
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Red-footed Booby Sula sula details sounds
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Breeding in their hundreds.
Praia do Sueste (Fernando de Noronha)
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Praia do Sueste (Fernando de Noronha)
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Fernando de Noronha Boat tour northern coast
Praia do Sueste (Fernando de Noronha)
Snowy Egret Egretta thula details sounds
Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides details sounds
Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Açude do Xaréu
Noronha Elaenia Elaenia ridleyana details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Common in many habitats, also around the town. Easy to find.
Açude do Xaréu
Noronha Vireo Vireo gracilirostris details sounds
Fernando de Noronha
Slightly more difficult to find than the Elaenia, but still straightforward. Often low in bushes and thick vegetation.
Açude do Xaréu
Praia do Leão (Fernando de Noronha)
Praia do Sueste (Fernando de Noronha)
House Sparrow Passer domesticus details sounds
Fernando de Noronha (Introduced)
Mainly in the village and around houses.
Last updated: 08 February 2019