Top species
- Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)
- Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis)
- Calliope Hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope)
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus)
- Sora (Porzana carolina)
- Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor)
- Dusky Flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri)
- Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
- Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia)
- Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
- Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii)
- MacGillivray's Warbler (Geothlypis tolmiei)
List up to ca. 25 species that:
• have a limited distribution range and/or are rare on a global level
• are most sought-after by birdwatchers at this site
• and are relatively easy to see at this site (year-round or seasonally)
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) | |
Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) | |
Calliope Hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope) | |
Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus) | |
Sora (Porzana carolina) | |
Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) | |
Dusky Flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri) | |
Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) | |
Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) | |
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) | |
Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii) | |
MacGillivray's Warbler (Geothlypis tolmiei) |
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 01:01:42)
Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 01:00:36)
Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 01:00:10)
Dusky Flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:59:44)
Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:58:30)
Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:57:46)
Calliope Hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:56:59)
Sora (Porzana carolina) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:56:32)
Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:56:19)
MacGillivray's Warbler (Geothlypis tolmiei) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:54:55)
Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:54:45)
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) was added by Eric Hope (2021-08-23 00:54:36)