© Juanita Olano Marín

Sendero Ecoturístico Flor de Inírida (KENKE)

3.81244 , -67.84375


KENKE is a beautiful natural and cultural reserve near the town of Inírida. It is managed by an indigenous family and has a great infrastructure, which includes an interpretation center, well-maintained trails and interesting accommodation options. The habitat consists of a mix of white-sand forest, scrub and savanna with plenty of the iconic Inirida flowers ("flor de Inírida"). The reserve has also a lot to offer for birders. This may be the best place to find the highly range-restricted Yapacana Antbird and the equally rare White-naped Seedeater.

Delete exact location

The introductory text should contain general information about the site, which may include for instance:
• geographic/ biogeographic location
• habitat and vegetation
• typical bird species/bird communities
• protection status
• land use and history
• importance for birdwatching

Coordinates were changed by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) : 3.8124/-67.8438 (2021-11-19 02:46:15 )

Coordinates were set by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) : 3.8152/-67.8422 (2021-11-09 14:22:09 )

Site name was set by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) as "Sendero Ecoturístico Flor De Inírida (KENKE)" (2021-11-09 14:22:09 )

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:26:50
KENKE is a beautiful natural and cultural reserve near the town of Inírida. It is managed by an indigenous family and has a great infrastructure, which includes an interpretation center, well-maintained trails and interesting accommodation options. The habitat consists of a mix of white-sand forest, scrub and savanna with plenty of the iconic Inirida flowers ("flor de Inírida"). The reserve has also a lot to offer for birders. This may be the best place to find the highly range-restricted Yapacana Antbird and the equally rare White-naped Seedeater.
Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 00:57:04
KENKE is a beautiful natural and cultural reserve near the town of Inírida. It is managed by an indigenous family and has a great infrastructure, which includes an interpretation center, well-maintained trails and interesting accommodation options. The habitat consists of a mix of white-sand forest, scrub and savanna with plenty of the iconic Inirida flowers ("flor de Inírida"). The reserve has also a lot to offer for birders. This may be the best place to find the highly range-restricted Yapacana Antbird and the equally rare White-naped Seedeater.

List up to ca. 25 species that:
• have a limited distribution range and/or are rare on a global level
• are most sought-after by birdwatchers at this site
• and are relatively easy to see at this site (year-round or seasonally)

Straight-billed Hermit (Phaethornis bourcieri)
Green-tailed Goldenthroat (Polytmus theresiae)
Spotted Puffbird (Bucco tamatia)
Bronzy Jacamar (Galbula leucogastra)
Cherrie's Antwren (Myrmotherula cherriei)
Spot-backed Antwren (Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus)
Imeri Warbling-Antbird (Hypocnemis flavescens)
Yapacana Antbird (Aprositornis disjuncta)
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma chrysocephalum)
Black Manakin (Xenopipo atronitens)
White-eyed Tody-Tyrant (Hemitriccus zosterops)
Citron-bellied Attila (Attila citriniventris)
Azure-naped Jay (Cyanocorax heilprini)
Plumbeous Euphonia (Euphonia plumbea)
Red-shouldered Tanager (Tachyphonus phoenicius)
White-naped Seedeater (Sporophila fringilloides)

White-naped Seedeater (Sporophila fringilloides) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:44:28)

Red-shouldered Tanager (Tachyphonus phoenicius) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:43:59)

Plumbeous Euphonia (Euphonia plumbea) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:42:46)

Azure-naped Jay (Cyanocorax heilprini) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:41:17)

Citron-bellied Attila (Attila citriniventris) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:40:28)

White-eyed Tody-Tyrant (Hemitriccus zosterops) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:39:55)

Black Manakin (Xenopipo atronitens) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:38:59)

Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma chrysocephalum) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:38:40)

Yapacana Antbird (Aprositornis disjuncta) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:37:56)

Spot-backed Antwren (Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:37:21)

Imeri Warbling-Antbird (Hypocnemis flavescens) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:36:24)

Cherrie's Antwren (Myrmotherula cherriei) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:36:06)

Bronzy Jacamar (Galbula leucogastra) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:34:51)

Spotted Puffbird (Bucco tamatia) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:34:16)

Straight-billed Hermit (Phaethornis bourcieri) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:32:34)

Green-tailed Goldenthroat (Polytmus theresiae) was added by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) (2021-11-20 14:32:11)

KENKE can be visited all year, although trails may be partly innundated during the wet season from May to August. Spend at least a few hours at the site to find many of the specialities.

Give recommendations for making your visit as productive as possible.
This may include for instance:
• best season
• best time of the day
• how much time to spend at the site
• best means of locomotion within the site
• recommended routes / areas within the site
• guiding

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:07
KENKE can be visited all year, although trails may be partly innundated during the wet season from May to August. Spend at least a few hours at the site to find many of the specialities.

KENKE is a short drive (ca. 15 min) from the town of Inírida. A motocarro or "motoraton" can drop you off and pick you up at the entrance.

Inírida (also referred to as Puerto Inírida) itself is accessible almost exclusively by air from Bogotá or Villavicencio, flights leave almost daily. Inírida is served by the airlines Satena and Easyfly. Theoretically you can also travel to Inírida by boat from San José Del Guaviare, but the trip will take several days.

Explain from where and how to get to this site with private and public transport.

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 17:49
KENKE is a short drive (ca. 15 min) from the town of Inírida. A motocarro or "motoraton" can drop you off and pick you up at the entrance. Inírida (also reffered referred to as Puerto Inírida) itself is accessible almost exclusively by air from Bogotá or Villavicencio, flights leave almost daily. Inírida is served by the airlines Satena and Easyfly. Theoretically you can also travel to Inírida by boat from San José Del Guaviare, but the trip will take several days.
Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 17:32
KENKE is a short drive (ca. 15 min) from the town of Inírida. A motocarro or "motoraton" can drop you off and pick you up at the entrance.entrance. Inírida (also reffered to as Puerto Inírida) itself is accessible almost exclusively by air from Bogotá or Villavicencio, flights leave almost daily. Inírida is served by the airlines Satena and Easyfly. Theoretically you can also travel to Inírida by boat from San José Del Guaviare, but the trip will take several days.
Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:09
KENKE is a short drive (ca. 15 min) from the town of Inírida. A motocarro or "motoraton" can drop you off and pick you up at the entrance.

Arrange your visit in advance through a local guide or directly through KENKE (see their Facebook page for contact info). You will have to pay a modest entry fee.

Provide information on how to enter this site, which may include:
• entry points
• entry permits / entry tickets and fees
• opening hours / opening season
• other restrictions

Note that this section should only contain information on how to ACCESS (= enter) a site. Info on how to REACH a site should be added to "How to get there" section.

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:13
Arrange your visit in advance through a local guide or directly through KENKE (see their Facebook page for contact info). You will have to pay a modest entry fee.

The main attraction of the reserve, apart from the birds, are fields (or rather savannas) full of Inírida flowers. Moreover, it is worth to visit the interpretation center and the handicraftshop, where you can find a lot of nice souvenirs from the region. KENKE also showcases some of the indigenous traditions and customs like hunting and fishing techiques. You may even test your skills with a bow and arrow.

Add information about other attractions at this site, including
• wildlife (apart from birds)
• sights (natural, cultural, archaeological, etc.)
• activities (e.g. for non-birding companions)

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:20
The main attraction of the reserve, apart from the birds, are fields (or rather savannas) full of Inírida flowers. Moreover, it is worth to visit the interpretation center and the handicraftshop, where you can find a lot of nice souvenirs from the region. KENKE also showcases some of the indigenous traditions and customs like hunting and fishing techiques. You may even test your skills with a bow and arrow.

The reserve has a great infrastructure which, apart from the well-maintained trails, includes bathrooms, options for accommodation, an interpretation center and handicraft shop, hammocks to relax, a pond for swimming and catering.

Provide information about what type of facilities are available at
or near this site, including:
• information centers / information points
• catering
• accommodation
• hides and watchtowers
• restrooms / toilets

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:24
The reserve has a great infrastructure which, apart from the well-maintained trails, includes bathrooms, options for accommodation, an interpretation center and handicraft shop and shop, hammocks to relax, a pond for swimming and catering.
Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:23
The reserve has a great infrastructure which, apart from the well-maintained trails, includes bathrooms, options for accommodation, an interpretation center and handicraft shop and catering.

There are no security issues if you arrange your visit in advance through a local guide or KENKE. Bring your sun cream and insect repellent along.

Are there any security issues or other annoyances at this site? For
instance, these may include:
• offenses like robbery or theft
• natural hazards
• dangerous or annoying animals or plants (mosquitoes, leaches, thorn bushes, etc.)
• noise pollution

Edited by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) on 2021-11-21 01:26
There are no security issues if you arrange your visit in advance through a local guide or KENKE. Bring your sun cream and insect repellent along.
All information about this site was contributed by Orniverse users. Neither Orniverse nor the contributors accept responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.

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Sendero Ecoturístico Flor de Inírida (KENKE) - Orniverse