Top species
List up to ca. 25 species that:
• have a limited distribution range and/or are rare on a global level
• are most sought-after by birdwatchers at this site
• and are relatively easy to see at this site (year-round or seasonally)
American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) | |
Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) | |
Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) | |
Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) | |
Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) | |
Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens) |
Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:01:29)
Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:01:06)
Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:56)
Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:38)
Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:21)
American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:11)
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