© Daniel Orozco

Ciénaga de Mallorquín

11.04639 , -74.84944


La Ciénaga de Mallorquín es una laguna costera y ecosistema lagunero que hace parte de los 2.250 km2 de la llanura aluvial septentrional inundable del río Magdalena. Está ubicada en su totalidad en el extremo norte del distrito de Barranquilla, sobre la margen izquierda de la desembocadura del río Magdalena (Bocas de Ceniza) en el Mar Caribe.

Cubre una extensión de aproximadamente 650 hectáreas (6.5 km2) y tiene 1 metro promedio de profundidad. Es una laguna/manglar costero en donde el agua dulce del Río Magdalena se mezcla con el agua salada del mar Caribe, formando lo que se conoce como agua salobre. La ciénaga hace parte del sistema de estuarios del sistema delta estuario del Río Magdalena y la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.

Es un gran lugar para observar aves acuáticas, playeras y migratorias boreales. También ofrece muy buenas oportunidades fotográficas.

Ciénaga de Mallorquín is a coastal lagoon and lagoon ecosystem that is part of the 2,250 km2 of the northern floodplain of the Magdalena River.

It is located entirely in the northern end of the district of Barranquilla, on the left bank of the mouth of the Magdalena River (Bocas de Ceniza) in the Caribbean Sea. It covers an area of approximately 650 hectares (6.5 km2) and has an average depth of 1 meter. It is a coastal lagoon/mangrove where the fresh water of the Magdalena River mixes with the salt water of the Caribbean Sea, forming what is known as brackish water. The swamp is part of the estuary system of the estuary delta system of the Magdalena River and the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.

It is a great place to observe waterfowl, shorebirds and boreal migrants. It also offers very good photographic opportunities.

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The introductory text should contain general information about the site, which may include for instance:
• geographic/ biogeographic location
• habitat and vegetation
• typical bird species/bird communities
• protection status
• land use and history
• importance for birdwatching

Coordinates were set by Daniel Orozco : 11.0464/-74.8494 (2023-11-18 16:42:34 )

Site name was set by Daniel Orozco as "Ciénaga De Mallorquín" (2023-11-18 16:42:34 )

Edited by Daniel Orozco on 2023-11-18 16:59:17
ESPAÑOL La Ciénaga de Mallorquín es una laguna costera y ecosistema lagunero que hace parte de los 2.250 km2 de la llanura aluvial septentrional inundable del río Magdalena. Está ubicada en su totalidad en el extremo norte del distrito de Barranquilla, sobre la margen izquierda de la desembocadura del río Magdalena (Bocas de Ceniza) en el Mar Caribe. Cubre una extensión de aproximadamente 650 hectáreas (6.5 km2) y tiene 1 metro promedio de profundidad. Es una laguna/manglar costero en donde el agua dulce del Río Magdalena se mezcla con el agua salada del mar Caribe, formando lo que se conoce como agua salobre. La ciénaga hace parte del sistema de estuarios del sistema delta estuario del Río Magdalena y la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Marta. Es un gran lugar para observar aves acuáticas, playeras y migratorias boreales. También ofrece muy buenas oportunidades fotográficas. ENGLISH Ciénaga de Mallorquín is a coastal lagoon and lagoon ecosystem that is part of the 2,250 km2 of the northern floodplain of the Magdalena River. It is located entirely in the northern end of the district of Barranquilla, on the left bank of the mouth of the Magdalena River (Bocas de Ceniza) in the Caribbean Sea. It covers an area of approximately 650 hectares (6.5 km2) and has an average depth of 1 meter. It is a coastal lagoon/mangrove where the fresh water of the Magdalena River mixes with the salt water of the Caribbean Sea, forming what is known as brackish water. The swamp is part of the estuary system of the estuary delta system of the Magdalena River and the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.Marta. It is a great place to observe waterfowl, shorebirds and boreal migrants. It also offers very good photographic opportunities.
Edited by Daniel Orozco on 2023-11-18 16:46:39
ESPAÑOL La Ciénaga de Mallorquín es una laguna costera y ecosistema lagunero que hace parte de los 2.250 km2 de la llanura aluvial septentrional inundable del río Magdalena. Está ubicada en su totalidad en el extremo norte del distrito de Barranquilla, sobre la margen izquierda de la desembocadura del río Magdalena (Bocas de Ceniza) en el Mar Caribe. Cubre una extensión de aproximadamente 650 hectáreas (6.5 km2) y tiene 1 metro promedio de profundidad. Es una laguna/manglar costero en donde el agua dulce del Río Magdalena se mezcla con el agua salada del mar Caribe, formando lo que se conoce como agua salobre. La ciénaga hace parte del sistema de estuarios del sistema delta estuario del Río Magdalena y la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. ENGLISH Ciénaga de Mallorquín is a coastal lagoon and lagoon ecosystem that is part of the 2,250 km2 of the northern floodplain of the Magdalena River. It is located entirely in the northern end of the district of Barranquilla, on the left bank of the mouth of the Magdalena River (Bocas de Ceniza) in the Caribbean Sea. It covers an area of approximately 650 hectares (6.5 km2) and has an average depth of 1 meter. It is a coastal lagoon/mangrove where the fresh water of the Magdalena River mixes with the salt water of the Caribbean Sea, forming what is known as brackish water. The swamp is part of the estuary system of the estuary delta system of the Magdalena River and the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.

List up to ca. 25 species that:
• have a limited distribution range and/or are rare on a global level
• are most sought-after by birdwatchers at this site
• and are relatively easy to see at this site (year-round or seasonally)

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus)
Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)
Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)
Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus)
Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens)

Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:01:29)

Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:01:06)

Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:56)

Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:38)

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:21)

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) was added by Daniel Orozco (2023-11-18 17:00:11)

Give recommendations for making your visit as productive as possible.
This may include for instance:
• best season
• best time of the day
• how much time to spend at the site
• best means of locomotion within the site
• recommended routes / areas within the site
• guiding

Not available yet

Provide information on how to enter this site, which may include:
• entry points
• entry permits / entry tickets and fees
• opening hours / opening season
• other restrictions

Note that this section should only contain information on how to ACCESS (= enter) a site. Info on how to REACH a site should be added to "How to get there" section.

Not available yet

Add information about other attractions at this site, including
• wildlife (apart from birds)
• sights (natural, cultural, archaeological, etc.)
• activities (e.g. for non-birding companions)

Not available yet

Provide information about what type of facilities are available at
or near this site, including:
• information centers / information points
• catering
• accommodation
• hides and watchtowers
• restrooms / toilets

Not available yet

Are there any security issues or other annoyances at this site? For
instance, these may include:
• offenses like robbery or theft
• natural hazards
• dangerous or annoying animals or plants (mosquitoes, leaches, thorn bushes, etc.)
• noise pollution

Not available yet
All information about this site was contributed by Orniverse users. Neither Orniverse nor the contributors accept responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.


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Ciénaga de Mallorquín - Orniverse