© Stefan Greif

Hacienda El Bosque

5.02453 , -75.36632


About 45 minutes from Manizales, Hascienda el Bosque is an ecologically oriented cattle farm, that has been caring about its environment for over 30 years. It is about 1000 ha big, of which around 40% are natural forests. In 2018 Juan Martín Pérez started to add ecotourism to its family's business and they have specialised on everything that a birder can wish for. Several hides offer close encounters for observation and photography of a range of hummingbirds, antpittas or toucans. In addition, at least 5 trails of varying length take you through a mixture of habitat.

To ensure a pleasant stay, they offer a wonderful restaurant with excellent food that you can enjoy with a great view! They also built brand-new cabins that offer a luxury experience that will surely be worth the stay. At the moment (Dec 2021), they offer a package that costs 400.000 $ (~ 86€), that includes an entrance fee, breakfast and lunch, stay in the cabin and whole day guiding. This is great value for money and can only be recommended.

Hascienda el Bosque's own local guide, Nestor Zapata, is really great and knows the birds of area on a personal level. This is literally true when he starts calling his antpittas or bushfinches to offer them a treat (a juicy beetle grub). Especially the shy antpittas are amazing when they hop as close as few meters to you and then vanish into the forest again. The stars are Equatorial Antpitta and Crescent-faced Antpitta (although the latter might not show up every day, so plan for around two mornings). Recently, Nestor also became friendly with the Gray-breasted Mountain Toucans and it's captivating to see them slowly approach and pick up a grape.

A wide range of hummingbirds will zoom around you when you visit the feeders, and it's pure delight to observe them, take pictures or just enjoy their behaviour. It's great time spent while you wait for the antpittas to show up. Of course also other species can show up like Barred Fruiteater, Andean Guans or Slaty Brushfinch. And of course the ever curious Grey-browed Brushfinch that might even sing for you upon (Nestor's) request. Also for the hummingbirds it's good to pay attention as some of the rarer species like Black-thighed Puffleg or Sword-billed Hummingbird might only show up briefly.

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The introductory text should contain general information about the site, which may include for instance:
• geographic/ biogeographic location
• habitat and vegetation
• typical bird species/bird communities
• protection status
• land use and history
• importance for birdwatching

Coordinates were set by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) : 5.0245/-75.3663 (2020-11-25 08:23:55 )

Site name was set by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) as "Hacienda El Bosque" (2020-11-25 08:23:55 )

Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-02 16:47:19
About 45 minutes from Manizales, Hascienda el Bosque is an ecologically oriented cattle farm, that has been caring about its environment for over 30 years. It is about 1000 ha big, of which around 40% are natural forests. In 2018 Juan Martín Pérez started to add ecotourism to its family's business and they have specialised on everything that a birder can wish for. Several hides offer close encounters for observation and photography of a range of hummingbirds, antpittas or toucans. In addition, at least 5 trails of varying length take you through a mixture of habitat. To ensure a pleasant stay, they offer a wonderful restaurant with excellent food that you can enjoy with a great view! They also built brand-new cabins that offer a luxury experience that will surely be worth the stay. At the moment (Dec 2021), they offer a package that costs 400.000 $ (~ 86€), that includes an entrance fee, breakfast and lunch, stay in the cabin and whole day guiding. This is great value for money and can only be recommended. Hascienda el Bosque's own local guide, Nestor Zapata, is really great and knows the birds of area on a personal level. This is literally true when he starts calling his antpittas or bushfinches to offer them a treat (a juicy beetle grub). Especially the shy antpittas are amazing when they hop as close as few meters to you and then vanish into the forest again. The stars are Equatorial Antpitta and Crescent-faced Antpitta (although the latter might not show up every day, so plan in for around two mornings). Recently, Nestor also became friendly with the gray-breasted mountain toucans Gray-breasted Mountain Toucans and it's captivating to see them slowly approach and pick up a grape. A wide range of hummingbirds will zoom around you when you visit the feeders, and it's pure delight to observe them, take pictures or just enjoy their behaviour. It's great time spent while you wait for the antpittas to show up. Of course also other species can show up like Barred Fruiteater, Andean Guans or Slaty Brushfinch. And of course the ever curious Grey-browed Brushfinch that might even sing for you upon (Nestor's) request. Also for the hummingbirds it's good to pay attention as some of the rarer species like Black-thighed Puffleg or Sword-billed Hummingbird might only show up briefly.
Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-01 12:33:39
About 45 minutes from Manizales, Hascienda el Bosque is an ecologically oriented cattle farm, that has been caring about its environment for over 30 years. It is about 1000 ha big, of which around 40% are natural forests. In 2018 Juan Martín Pérez started to add ecotourism to its family's business and they have specialised on everything that a birder can wish for. Several hides offer close encounters for observation and photography of a range of hummingbirds, antpittas or toucans. In addition, at least 5 trails of varying length take you through a mixture of habitat. To ensure a pleasant stay, they offer a wonderful restaurant with excellent food that you can enjoy with a great view! They also built brand-new cabins that offer a luxury experience that will surely be worth the stay. At the moment (Dec 2021), they offer a package that costs 400.000 $ (~ 86€), that includes an entrance fee, breakfast and lunch, stay in the cabin and whole day guiding. This is great value for money and can only be recommended. Hascienda el Bosque's own local guide, Nestor Zapata, is really great and knows the birds of area on a personal level. This is literally true when he starts calling his antpittas or bushfinches to offer them a treat (a juicy beetle grub). Especially the shy antpittas are amazing when they hop as close as few meters to you and then vanish into the forest again. The stars are Equatorial Antpitta and Crescent-faced Antpitta (although the latter might not show up every day, so plan in around two mornings). Recently, Nestor also became friendly with the gray-breasted mountain toucans and it's captivating to see them slowly approach and pick up a grape.grape. A wide range of hummingbirds will zoom around you when you visit the feeders, and it's pure delight to observe them, take pictures or just enjoy their behaviour. It's great time spent while you wait for the antpittas to show up. Of course also other species can show up like Barred Fruiteater, Andean Guans or Slaty Brushfinch. And of course the ever curious Grey-browed Brushfinch that might even sing for you upon (Nestor's) request. Also for the hummingbirds it's good to pay attention as some of the rarer species like Black-thighed Puffleg or Sword-billed Hummingbird might only show up briefly.
Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-01 12:24:16
About 45 minutes from Manizales, Hascienda el Bosque is an ecologically oriented cattle farm, that has been caring about its environment for over 30 years. It is about 1000 ha big, of which around 40% are natural forests. In 2018 Juan Martín Pérez started to add ecotourism to its family's business and they have specialised on everything that a birder can wish for. Several hides offer close encounters for observation and photography of a range of hummingbirds, antpittas or toucans. In addition, at least 5 trails of varying length take you through a mixture of habitat. To ensure a pleasant stay, they offer a wonderful restaurant with excellent food that you can enjoy with a great view! They also built brand-new cabins that offer a luxury experience that will surely be worth the stay. At the moment (Dec 2021), they offer a package that costs 400.000 $ (~ 86€), that includes an entrance fee, breakfast and lunch, stay in the cabin and whole day guiding. This is great value for money and can only be recommended. Hascienda el Bosque's own local guide, Nestor Zapata, is really great and knows the birds of area on a personal level. This is literally true when he starts calling his antpittas or bushfinches to offer them a treat (a juicy beetle grub). Especially the shy antpittas are amazing when they hop as close as few meters to you and then vanish into the forest again. The stars are Equatorial Antpitta and Crescent-faced Antpitta (although the latter might not show up every day, so plan in around two mornings). Recently, Nestor also became friendly with the gray-breasted mountain toucans and it's captivating to see them slowly approach and pick up a grape.

List up to ca. 25 species that:
• have a limited distribution range and/or are rare on a global level
• are most sought-after by birdwatchers at this site
• and are relatively easy to see at this site (year-round or seasonally)

Black-thighed Puffleg (Eriocnemis derbyi)
Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan (Andigena hypoglauca)
Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)
Crescent-faced Antpitta (Grallaricula lineifrons)
Barred Fruiteater (Pipreola arcuata)
Red-crested Cotinga (Ampelion rubrocristatus)
Chestnut-bellied Chat-Tyrant (Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris)
Lacrimose Mountain Tanager (Anisognathus lacrymosus)

Red-crested Cotinga (Ampelion rubrocristatus) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:37:39)

Lacrimose Mountain Tanager (Anisognathus lacrymosus) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:36:32)

Chestnut-bellied Chat-Tyrant (Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:35:47)

Barred Fruiteater (Pipreola arcuata) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:35:21)

Black-thighed Puffleg (Eriocnemis derbyi) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:34:40)

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:34:14)

Crescent-faced Antpitta (Grallaricula lineifrons) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 12:33:59)

Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan (Andigena hypoglauca) was added by Stefan Greif (2022-01-01 11:50:33)

Birding will be good year-round. But in order to see the antpittas, you have to be there in the morning.

Juan Martín is also of great help to organise other birding options in the area. And since the region has plenty to offer, it might be worth considering the Hascienda as a base to explore other places as well.

Give recommendations for making your visit as productive as possible.
This may include for instance:
• best season
• best time of the day
• how much time to spend at the site
• best means of locomotion within the site
• recommended routes / areas within the site
• guiding

Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-01 13:00
Birding will be good year-round. But in order to see the antpittas, you have to be there in the morning. Juan Martín is also of great help to organise other birding options in the area. And since the region has plenty to offer, it might be worth considering the Hascienda as a base to explore other places as well.

Contact Juan Martín through



or through WhatsApp +57 321 8116189

Provide information on how to enter this site, which may include:
• entry points
• entry permits / entry tickets and fees
• opening hours / opening season
• other restrictions

Note that this section should only contain information on how to ACCESS (= enter) a site. Info on how to REACH a site should be added to "How to get there" section.

Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-01 12:53
Contact Juan Martín through Facebook Instagram or through WhatsApp +57 321 8116189
Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-01 12:53
Contact Juan Martín through Facebook Instagram or through WhatsApp +57 321 8116189

Add information about other attractions at this site, including
• wildlife (apart from birds)
• sights (natural, cultural, archaeological, etc.)
• activities (e.g. for non-birding companions)

Not available yet

Great restaurant and first-class accomodations! The single cabins have huge windows (with blinds), separate bathroom, a bathtube, a fire place and a wonderful view.

Provide information about what type of facilities are available at
or near this site, including:
• information centers / information points
• catering
• accommodation
• hides and watchtowers
• restrooms / toilets

Edited by Stefan Greif on 2022-01-01 12:57
Great restaurant and first-class accomodations! The single cabins have huge windows (with blinds), separate bathroom, a bathtube, a fire place and a wonderful view.

Are there any security issues or other annoyances at this site? For
instance, these may include:
• offenses like robbery or theft
• natural hazards
• dangerous or annoying animals or plants (mosquitoes, leaches, thorn bushes, etc.)
• noise pollution

Not available yet
All information about this site was contributed by Orniverse users. Neither Orniverse nor the contributors accept responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.



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Hacienda El Bosque - Orniverse