Bosque Bavaria

4.18058 , -73.65068


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The introductory text should contain general information about the site, which may include for instance:
• geographic/ biogeographic location
• habitat and vegetation
• typical bird species/bird communities
• protection status
• land use and history
• importance for birdwatching

Coordinates were set by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) : 4.1806/-73.6507 (2020-11-25 10:36:58 )

Site name was set by Mathias Ritschard (Admin) as "Bosque Bavaria" (2020-11-25 10:36:58 )

Not available yet

List up to ca. 25 species that:
• have a limited distribution range and/or are rare on a global level
• are most sought-after by birdwatchers at this site
• and are relatively easy to see at this site (year-round or seasonally)

Gray-chinned Hermit (Phaethornis griseogularis)
Blue-fronted Lancebill (Doryfera johannae)
Fasciated Tiger-Heron (Tigrisoma fasciatum)
White-chested Puffbird (Malacoptila fusca)
White-chinned Jacamar (Galbula tombacea)
White-browed Antbird (Myrmoborus leucophrys)
Spot-winged Antbird (Myrmelastes leucostigma)
Golden-headed Manakin (Ceratopipra erythrocephala)
Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum)
Pectoral Sparrow (Arremon taciturnus)
Golden-crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus)
Masked Tanager (Stilpnia nigrocincta)
Turquoise Tanager (Tangara mexicana)

Blue-fronted Lancebill (Doryfera johannae) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 20:02:30)

Gray-chinned Hermit (Phaethornis griseogularis) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 20:02:12)

Pectoral Sparrow (Arremon taciturnus) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 20:01:23)

Masked Tanager (Stilpnia nigrocincta) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 20:00:45)

Turquoise Tanager (Tangara mexicana) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 20:00:29)

Golden-crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 20:00:07)

Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:59:36)

Golden-headed Manakin (Ceratopipra erythrocephala) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:59:22)

White-browed Antbird (Myrmoborus leucophrys) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:59:01)

Fasciated Tiger-Heron (Tigrisoma fasciatum) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:58:24)

Spot-winged Antbird (Myrmelastes leucostigma) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:56:09)

White-chinned Jacamar (Galbula tombacea) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:55:58)

White-chested Puffbird (Malacoptila fusca) was added by Scott Winton (2021-05-09 19:55:49)

An excellent and easily-accessible birdwatching site near Villavicencio, Bosque Bavaria is a big contiguous patch of mature foothill forest. It was formerly protected as land belonging to the Bavaria Brewery. After the brewery closed, it became the "Orange-breasted Falcon" reserve of Proaves. Despite the name, this species does not appear to be present (or at best, is exceedingly rare and never observed). 

Early mornings are best for bird activity.

During boreal winter (October-April) migrants from the north are around, but most people come for the resident species, which are present yearround. 

The site consists of an unpaved road that climbs steeply through the forest, starting at ~400 m and peaking at ~1100 m. 

For birding, the best strategy is to simply walk the road. Most of the most sought-after species can be found relatively close to the entrance. It is also possible to drive, but after a couple km the road gets very steep and you will need four-wheel-drive to continue.

The best local guide is Elvis Quintero, who lives in Restrepo. You can reach him at Rancho Camana.

Give recommendations for making your visit as productive as possible.
This may include for instance:
• best season
• best time of the day
• how much time to spend at the site
• best means of locomotion within the site
• recommended routes / areas within the site
• guiding

Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 20:04
Probably the best An excellent and easily-accessible birdwatching site near site near Villavicencio, Bosque Bavaria is a big contiguous patch of mature foothill forest. It was formerly protected as land belonging to the Bavaria Brewery. After the brewery closed, it became the "Orange-breasted Falcon" reserve of Proaves. Despite the name, this species does not appear to be present (or at best, is exceedingly rare and never observed).  Early mornings are best for bird activity. During boreal winter (October-April) migrants from the north are around, but most people come for the resident species, which are present yearround.  The site consists of an unpaved road that climbs steeply through the forest, starting at ~400 m and peaking at ~1100 m.  For birding, the best strategy is to simply walk the road. Most of the most sought-after species can be found relatively close to the entrance. It is also possible to drive, but after a couple km the road gets very steep and you will need four-wheel-drive to continue. The best local guide is Elvis Quintero, who lives in Restrepo. You can reach him at Rancho Camana.  
Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:49
Probably the best birdwatching site near Villavicencio, Bosque Bavaria is a big contiguous patch of mature foothill forest. It was formerly protected as land belonging to the Bavaria Brewery. After this the brewery closed, it became the "Orange-breasted Falcon" reserve of Proaves. Despite the name, this species does not appear to be present (or at best, is exceedingly rare and never observed).  Early mornings are best for bird activity. During boreal winter (October-April) migrants from the north are around, but most people come for the resident species, which are present yearround.  The site consists of an unpaved road that climbs steeply through the forest, starting at ~400 m and peaking at ~1100 m.  For birding, the best strategy is to simply walk the road. Most of the most sought-after species can be found relatively close to the entrance. It is also possible to drive, but after a couple km the road gets very steep and you will need four-wheel-drive to continue. The best local guide is Elvis Quintero, who lives in Restrepo. You can reach him at Rancho Camana.  
Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:48
Probably the best birdwatching site near Villavicencio, Bosque Bavaria is a big contiguous patch of mature foothill forest. It was formerly protected as land belonging to the Bavaria Brewery. After this closed, it became the "Orange-breasted Falcon" reserve of Proaves. Despite the name, this species does not appear to be present (or at best, is exceedingly rare and never observed).  Early mornings are best for bird activity. During boreal winter (October-April) migrants from the north are around, but most people come for the resident species, which are present yearround.  The site consists of an unpaved road that climbs steeply through the forest, starting at ~400 m and peaking at ~1100 m.  For birding, the best strategy is to simply walk the road. Most of the most sought-after species can be found relatively close to the entrance. It is also possible to drive, but after a couple km the road gets very steep and you will need four-wheel-drive to continue. The best local guide is Elvis Quintero, who lives in Restrepo. You can reach him at Rancho Camana.  

By car (or taxi). The road is on the left-hand side, just before reaching the abandoned brewery (if coming from Villavicencio).

Explain from where and how to get to this site with private and public transport.

Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:51
By car (or taxi). The road is on the left-hand side, just before reaching the abandoned brewery (if coming from Villavicencio).

The road is ungated.

Provide information on how to enter this site, which may include:
• entry points
• entry permits / entry tickets and fees
• opening hours / opening season
• other restrictions

Note that this section should only contain information on how to ACCESS (= enter) a site. Info on how to REACH a site should be added to "How to get there" section.

Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:51
The road is ungated.

Mammals seen here include Tayra and Squirrel Monkey

Add information about other attractions at this site, including
• wildlife (apart from birds)
• sights (natural, cultural, archaeological, etc.)
• activities (e.g. for non-birding companions)

Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 20:07
Mammals seen here include Tayra and Squirrel Monkey


Provide information about what type of facilities are available at
or near this site, including:
• information centers / information points
• catering
• accommodation
• hides and watchtowers
• restrooms / toilets

Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 20:05

There is plenty of space to park at the road entrance, but it is best not to leave a car here.  For parking, the best is to leave a car in the grass by the roadside a few hundred meters down the road toward Villavicencio opposite a sort of truck depot. 

On weekends the highway here attracts many cyclists, joggers and walkers from Villavicencio, so the atmosphere feels safe, but as always, it is best to bring a buddy and not bird alone.

Are there any security issues or other annoyances at this site? For
instance, these may include:
• offenses like robbery or theft
• natural hazards
• dangerous or annoying animals or plants (mosquitoes, leaches, thorn bushes, etc.)
• noise pollution

Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:55
There is plenty of space to park at the road entrance, but it is best not to leave a car here.  For parking, the best is to leave a car in the grass by the roadside a few hundred meters down the road toward Villavicencio opposite a sort of truck depot.  Probably best On weekends the highway here attracts many cyclists, joggers and walkers from Villavicencio, so the atmosphere feels safe, but as always, it is best to bring a buddy and not bird alone.
Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:54
There is plenty of space to park at the road entrance, but it is best not to leave a car here.  For parking, the best is to leave a car in the grass by the roadside a few hundred meters down the road toward Villavicencio opposite a sort of truck depot.   Probably best to bring a buddy and not bird alone.
Edited by Scott Winton on 2021-05-09 19:54
There is plenty of space to park at the road entrance, but it is best not to leave a car here.  For parking, the best is to leave a car in the grass by the roadside a few hundred meters down the road toward Villavicencio opposite a sort of truck depot. 
All information about this site was contributed by Orniverse users. Neither Orniverse nor the contributors accept responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided.


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Bosque Bavaria - Orniverse