Coordinates were set by
Mathias Ritschard (Admin)
(2021-01-03 20:28:25
Site name was set by
Mathias Ritschard (Admin)
"Warriewood Wetlands"
(2021-01-03 20:28:25
Reachable from the centre by taking the B-line bus up to Warriewood and then a 15min walk to the boardwalk of the reserve. Across the road (-33.693800, 151.288457) is the entrance to the Irrawong Reserve. Compromises of a variety of habitat, swamp and wetland in Warriewood wetlands, wet forest in the first part of Irrawong Reserve up to a nice waterfall and the dry forest above. There is quite a nice diversity, especially for Passerines. Rufous Fantails in the wet forest and Superb Lyrebirds in the dry forest are two of the specialities. Spotlighting for mammals can be rewarding with Long-nosed Bandicoots, Possums, Antechinus and Swamp Wallaby.